If the graphics for a car wrap is designed thoroughly, that will yield productive car wraps. There are specific components that must be included or the marketing blueprint simply won't be as effective as it needs to be, if it works at all. Anything in addition to the required formulation simply clouds your message and makes it more difficult to convey the advertising message. Driving the point home, less can be more in the matter of car wraps. The impulse to over-design by folks that are ready to spend thousands of dollars to develop their company is counter-productive and tends to limit their competitive effectiveness in the market. You know what we're talking about, the brochure effect.
The brochure effect is the same urge some people get when building a simple business card. Begin slowly with the basics, their logo and company name. Looks good so let's add our address, contact details and the Gettysburg Address. The passion of the disorder takes over until all white space has disappeared. Then the backside of the business card gets the first three chapters of War and Peace, and that's the brochure effect